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Committee 2021



"I learnt to dive aged 16 with Pontefract British Sub Aqua Club through my uncle who was a founding member of that club and I've been in a dive club pretty much since then.  I've been fortunate to dive in some amazing places around the world including the Red Sea,  the Persian Gulf,  Florida, Mozambique, Tanzania and the Cocos Islands in the Pacific.  But some of my favourite diving is right here in the UK in places like Oban and the Farne Islands. The sea may not be as warm but the marine life is just as exciting".







"I started diving in 2011 after being encouraged by Paul who was already a diver.

I am Sports diver and Assistant Instructor and hoping to start my Dive Leader.

I have dived in UK, Red Sea and Mediterranean.

One of the best dives to date was June 2018 in the Bay of Naples where we dived to only 5m to view the sunken ruins of Roman Baiae and its fantastic mosaics. Site is still being excavated".






"I joined Derby BSAC in 1980, after I'd passed the swimming test at the second attempt.  I've been diving pretty much ever since, making lots of life-long friends along the way.  My first dive was at Stoney Cove (where else ?) and since then I've had lots of dives, both in the UK and abroad.  My favourite dive location is Bonaire in the Dutch Caribbean. If you haven’t been .. start saving ! The waters round the whole island were made a marine park in 1979. Coral reefs extend down to beyond 50 m. and are teeming with tropical fish. The water’s warm (27°C), clear, and calm with gentle currents all year. To make it easy, the diving is shore-based - collect your cylinders from the drive-thru’ air station and dive where you like, when you want.  Night dives in Bonaire are something else. Don’t worry about trying to spot a Tarpon .. they’ll come and find you!"





I joined Derby BSAC in 1991 and for my first dive managed a full circumnavigation of Stoney Cove.  Later that year we had a club trip to Corfu and I was hooked.  Since then, I've enjoyed diving trips to both UK sites and abroad, notably:  Malta, Sardinia, Egypt and Thailand.  Here we are scaling the mast of the `Japanese Freighter', which ran aground and sank in the Bonifacio Strait  ..  lots of nice bits of metal to look at.  Love blossomed on the club trip to Egypt in 1992  ..  and the rest, as they say, is history.








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